Thursday, May 7, 2009

Relay email from postfix to exchange


I am new to this linux world!


Set up system in Ubuntu linux that would generate a email message. The box is ip'ed and the exchange mail server is ip'ed Hope you got the scenario.

What I did:

$sudo apt-get install postfix mailx

installed postfix and mailx, again I don't know much about them but postfix is a MTA and mailx, I used to check operation of postfix.

While installing postfix I gave in the information what I had but it did not work.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Resetting ubuntu password and 'esc' is not responding

I had a box ubuntu pre-installed and I had to reset the password. I tried to followed instruction from this site but the 'esc' would not work. The thing is USB keyboard is detected after kernel is loaded so I switched to a PS2 keyboard then following the procedures from the above site, I changed the password.

Might help someone like me.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Switch user in MySQL

To switch user in MySQL with username "test" and password "secret"
Start->Run (or press Windows Key + R)
then type
mysql -utest -psecret

or in command prompt type
>mysql -utest -psecret

*NOTE* There is no space between "-u" and 'test' and no space between "-p" and 'secret'

enjoy learning,

Friday, May 1, 2009

Short Story Collection

A man was polishing his new car; his 4 yr old son picked up a stone & scratched on the side of the car. In anger, the furious man took his child's hand & hit it many times, not realizing he was using a wrench. At the hospital, the child lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures. When the child saw his father....with painful eyes he asked 'Dad when will my fingers grow back?' The man was so hurt and speechless. He went back to the car and kicked it many times. Devastated by his own actions... sitting in front of the car he looked at the scratches, his son had written 'LOVE YOU DAD'. The next day that man committed suicide... Anger and Love have no limits... Always remember.... . " Things are to be used and people are to be loved " but the problem in today's world is.... " People are being USED & Things are being LOVED."