I was working with GridVeiw and Calendar controls for one of my projects. There I found one difficulty in showing date in calendar control when edit link is pressed it would give me
Specified cast is not valid
error; with much of searching I found a solution to it;
*Note* had to change '<' with LT and '>' with GT;
LT asp:Calendar ID="ActualEndDate" runat="server" Back Border
CellPadding="4" DayNameFormat="Shortest" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-
Fore Height="180px" SelectedDate='LT%# string.IsNullOrEmpty(Eval("ActualEndDate").ToString())?DateTime.MinValue:Eval("ActualEndDate") %GT'
Style="position: relative" Width="200px" GT
I changed '<%# Bind("ActualEndDate") %>' to above mentioned code and it worked for me,
as for update which was not working for some reason: all other fields would update except ActualEndDate; it would erase data and would show empty. So, I had to write in
protected void MyGridVeiw_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
my custom update code and it seems to work fine. Hope this might help some other and I'm still testing if this solution would work properly.
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